Unit-Hero DMC Heart Institute

Unit-Hero DMC Heart Institute

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Medical care within the hospital environment is a partnership between patients and health care workers.

As it honours you with certain rights, we have just outlined, this also bring with it certain responsibilities on your part discharge of which play an active and responsible role in the health care process.

The Responsibilities are:

Give your health care providers as much information as you can about your present health, past illnesses, any allergies and any other relevant details.

Follow the prescribed and agreed treatment plan, and conscientiously comply with the instructions given. Show consideration for the rights of other patients and health care providers, by following the hospital rules concerning patient conduct.

1.  Keep appointments that you make, or notify the hospital or clinic as early as possible if you are unable to do so.

2.  Do not ask health care providers to provide incorrect information, receipts or certificates.

3.  Do not litter the hospital and please use garbage bins.

4.  Keep toilets clean after use.

5.  Do not smoke and spit inside the hospital premises and support the hospital in keeping the environment clean.

6.  Wait patiently for your turn.

7.  Maintain silence.

8.  Do not bring children below e.g.10 year as visitors.

Follow our organization policy while admitted in our hospital.

Patient & Attendant Responsibilities