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Dr. G.S. Wander

Dr. G.S. Wander

Name:  Dr Gurpreet S Wander

Degree:  MD (Medicine), DM (Cardiology), DM (Cardiology), FAMS, FACC.

Designation:    Principal & Professor

Department Name:  Cardiology

Special Interest:  Hypertension, Cardiology


  • Has published 155 research papers in peer reviewed journals, 72 of them in foreignJournals of repute like; The Lancet, Nature Genetics, Journal of American College ofCardiology, Circulation, American Journal of Cardiology, Annals of Human Geneticsand JAMA (Cardiology). Has presented 119 papers in national and internationalconferences. He has contributed around 51 chapters in books. Has been co-supervisor of around 50 MD, 15 DM and 3 PhD thesis.
  • He is the Chief Editor of The Year book of Medicine 2019, The Year book ofMedicine 2018 and The Progress in Medicine & Medicine Update 2016. Co-Editor ofthe STEMI- A Cardiology Update 2016, and four other books on cardiology. He hasbeen Editor of the Cardiology section of the popular API Textbook of Medicine (8 th ,9 th , 10 th and 11 th Edition). Some of his selected articles published in journals withhigh impact factor have been widely cited.
  • He was awarded the most prestigious medical award of the country the Dr B C RoyNational Award for the year 2006 for Development of Specialties from Smt.Pratibha Patil, the President of India on 1 st July 2008.
  • He was awarded Sujoy B. Roy Fellowship in 1993. He was awarded the Dr. K.Sharan Cardiology Excellence award by IMA India for year 2004. He was awardedthe best referee award by the Journal of Association of Physicians of India ofwhich is presently the associate editor. He was awarded the inspiring cardiologistof India award by the ‘Economic Times’ in the year 2018.
  • He is a fellow of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS), AmericanCollege of Cardiology (FACC), Indian College of Physicians (FICP), Society forCardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (FSCAI).
  • He has been the faculty of many international conferences and has delivered morethan 120 scientific lectures and orations like the IGMC Shimla Golden Jubileeoration in 2016 and the Indian Association of Clinical Medicine oration in 2018. Hehas organized 11 National level conferences.
  • He has done extensive work in the field of hypertension and has been thePresident of the Hypertension Society of India for 2012-13.
  • He has been involved with the association of Physicians of India, the largest bodyof physicians in the country with 23,000 members. He organized the annualconference of the Association of Physicians of India (APICON) in February 2014. Hehas been member of the governing body of the API for 9 years and was presidentof the Association of Physicians of India for the year 2016-17.
  • He has been a member of the Core Committee that formulated the IndianGuidelines on Management of Hypertension in 2001, 2005 and 2013. Thiscommittee was formed by Association of Physicians of India (API), Indian College ofPhysicians (ICP) & Hypertension Society of India (HSI).These guidelines has beenpresented by him on most national forums. He wrote editorials on currentconcepts in management of hypertension in prestigious journals like Circulation,European Heart Journal, Indian Journal of Medical Research and the Journal ofHuman Hypertension. He is presently member of IGH IV (Indian Guidelines onHypertension IV) released in 2019.
  • Dr Wander has been on the editorial board of many journals including the IndianHeart Journal, Journal of the Association of Physicians of India, Perfusion and HeartJournal.
  • He is presently member of the Ethics Committee of the Medical Council of India.
  • Dr Wander has been Principal Investigator of multiple international trials includingthe ASIAN HF Registry, ISCHEMIA Trial, ENGAGE-AF-TIMI 48 Trial, EMPHASIS – HFTrial, LIFENOX Study, MeRes – 1 trial, Ultimaster DES Study, Evaluation of BioMimePhase IV Trial, TUXEDO-India Trial and the REPORT HF Registry.

  •    www.drgurpreetwander.com

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