A six-month old girl child from Mansa, Kamaldeep Kaur, has become probably the youngest recepient of pacemaker implantation in the region. Kamaldeep was admitted in the Pediatric Ward of DMCH under the care of Associate Professor Dr. Puneet Pooni. Her medical examination revealed that she was suffering from a congenitally slow heart which resulted in her suffering from seizures. She was then transferred to Hero DMC Heart Institute (HDHI) under the care of Senior Cardiology Consultant Dr. Bishav Mohan who recommended pacemaker implantation for the child.
Although implanting a permanent pacemaker is a fairly routine procedure in adults, in the case of infants because of the underdeveloped size of the heart, the process is extremely complicated. But because the infant’s condition was worsening by the hour, a team of doctors led by Dr. Bishav Mohan and Cardiac Surgeon Dr. Rajeev Gupta began the delicate task of implanting the pacemaker to correct the infant’s heartbeat which had dropped to 40 per minute. “Once we had finished guiding the pacemaker leads to the infant’s heart, we could bring her heartbeat to the desired level of 100 per minute,” informed Dr. Rajeev Gupta.
Commenting on the significance of the case Chief Cardiologist & Coordinator of HDHI Dr. GS Wander said that, “The case of Kamaldeep has opened up new avenues in pediatric cardiac care in this region. The uniqueness of such procedures lies in the fact that the results are visible on the operation table itself. And it is one of the most satisfying moments for a team of doctors to achieve such positive results after having performed an intricate and sensitive procedure.”
The father of the girl, Premdeep Singh, who is a farmer in Mansa district, said that though Kamaldeep is a girl child and they are not very well off, still they wanted to make available the best possible treatment for her.The hospital, on its part, took the decision to waive off about 25% of the total expense incurred on her treatment.